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Corollary of the Feast of Santa Rosalia 2024

Various locations, 05/07/2024 - 30/12/2024

A special program of events, directly promoted by the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Palermo, accompanies the Feast of Santa Rosalia 2024 and will continue until December.


Il Festineddu du Chianu o Munti Curated by PRO LOCO CAPUT SERALCADI Capo District, from 05/07/2024 to 04/07/2024

  • Illuminations at the Capo Market and Flea Market.
  • Installation of the papier-mâché mound in Piazza Monte di Pietà.
  • Sacred music and the cheerful symphonic marches of the Mediterranean Band.
  • Documentary “Santa Rosalia: Light of Palermo”.
  • Tasting of typical products and tourist itineraries.


  • July 5-15, 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM > “Festinello”
  • July 5-15 > Tasting of typical products
  • July 5-15 > Tourist itineraries
  • July 6-16 > Installation of illuminations by Riolo Onofrio
  • July 11,12,13, 14 > Mediterranean Band
  • July 12, 9:30 PM > Show by Stefano Piazza in Piazza Monte di Pietà
  • July 13, 9:30 PM > “Cunto a Santa Rosalia” in Piazza Monte di Pietà
  • September 4, 9:00 PM > Documentary at the Cathedral Square

Balcoscenico Curated by OFFICINA DELL'ARTE Santa Caterina Courtyard, from 05/07/2024 to 28/07/2024

From the Monastery of Santa Caterina, the “Miracle of the Rose”; dialogues with the City from 9 balconies overlooking Cassaro, where tales and songs with original and traditional music on the plague, devotion, celebration, and catharsis are proposed.


  • July 5 at 8:00 PM
  • July 7 at 7:00 PM
  • July 12 at 8:00 PM
  • July 21 at 7:00 PM
  • July 26 at 8:00 PM
  • July 28 at 7:00 PM

Artists Laura Mollica

Sacro Corpo Santa Anima Curated by ASS. CITTA’ DELL'ARTE Various locations, from 06/07/2024 to 10/08/2024

The soul and the holy bones of Saint Rosalia, in her 400th Feast – Popular Theater - Popular Music - Visual Art - Puppet Theater.


  • Multimedia photo exhibition “Sacred Atmospheres” with the most beautiful votive images of the Capo district in Palermo

    • Teatro Cantunera
    • from 06/07/2024 to 26/08/2024
    • Visit on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 4:00 PM to 7:30 PM
  • Singing walk “Nostra Rosalia dell’Albergheria”

    • Ballarò District
    • July 6, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
  • Theatrical performance “La Rosa Candida”

    • San Francesco Saverio
    • July 8, from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM
  • Show “Viva La Rosa dell’Ercta”

    • San Giuseppe Cafasso
    • July 10, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Artists Sara Cappello, Valentina Cucina, Toni Greco, Giuseppe Cusumano, Vincenzo Castello, Dario d’Oca

Santa Rosalia Patruna di Palermo. Puppet Show Curated by ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE CARLOMAGNO Carlo Magno Theater, from 09/07/2024 to 05/09/2024


  • From 09/07/2024 to 14/07/2024, at 6:00 PM
  • From 03/09/2024 to 05/09/2024, at 5:30 PM

Artists Enzo Mancuso, Antonino Guarino, Mariano Porcelli

Trecentogrammi Curated by LIMONE LUNARE Palazzo Riso, 11-14/07/2024

Three hundred grams is the approximate weight of a human heart. Its beat is a primordial rhythm and sound. It is a videomapping and live music show, a sound painting performance where each stroke on the canvas produces a sound that is sampled live and manipulated in real time through sound effects.


  • July 11 and 14, from 8:00 PM to 12:00 AM
  • July 14 Installation of the painting on canvas and video reproduction of the performance. The created canvas will be on display until December 31, 2024.

Artists Igor Scalisi Palminteri, Angelo Sicurella

Luce Rosalia - Hope over Palermo's Sea Curated by I’M THE ISLAND Terrace of Villa Igea From 12/07/2024 to 14/07/2024, from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM

The large light installation portrays the Saint lying down, surrounded by a chorus of festive lights and accompanied by a soundtrack celebrating the hope in the future of the city.

Artists Domenico Pellegrino

The Rose of Palermo, from Faith to Holiness Curated by FACOLTÀ TEOLOGICA DI SICILIA FATESI Faculty of Theology and Casa La Duca, from 06/07/2024 to 28/07/2024

Interactive theatrical performance in the Cloister of the Faculty of Theology with guided tours of the Faculty Library and Casa La Duca.


  • From 12/07/2024 to 15/07/2024, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM > Performances
  • From 06/07/2024 to 28/07/2024, 9:00 AM/1:00 PM and 3:00 PM/6:00 PM > Guided tours

Rosalia Unione dei Popoli Curated by ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE RAIZES Steps of Teatro Massimo and Garden of the Righteous, from 13/07/2024 to 18/07/2024

Performative theatrical show about the Saint, a mix of stories, languages, dances, and music that intertwine, clash, and meet in a blend of sounds, music, and words that elevate Palermo as a symbol of peace in the world.


  • July 13, 2024, 9:00 PM Steps of Teatro Massimo
  • July 16 and 18, 2024, 9:00 PM Garden of the Righteous

Artists Alessandro Lenzi, Giovanni Apprendi, Italia Carroccio

Rosalia is Palermo, Palermo is Rosalia Curated by TOP SICILIA Monte Pellegrino, 19/07/2024 from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM

In the space in front of the Sanctuary of Santa Rosalia, a theatrical show with songs and music about Santa Rosalia between legend and reality, plus a concert by the triunfisti and an exhibition titled “The Feast before the Pandemic” inside the sacristy of the Sanctuary.

Authors and artists Lollo Franco

Magna Via Sanctae Rosaliae et Martyris Iosephi Puglisi Curated by CENTRO ACCOGLIENZA PADRENOSTRO Open Theatre of the Centro polivalente di Padre Puglisi, Piazzetta Beato Padre Pino Puglisi and Di Matteo Municipal Auditorium, from 01/08/2024 to 13/12/2024

Three theatrical performances and an artistic installation of two sail flags depicting Padre Pino Puglisi and Santa Rosalia from May to December 2024. Guided tours to Monte Pellegrino in the Sanctuary of Santa Rosalia and Santo Stefano alla Quisquina.


  • “The Triumph of Santa Rosalia” and “I Didn't Expect It”
    • 01/08/2024, 8:00 PM Open Theatre of the Centro polivalente di Padre Puglisi
    • 14/09/2024, 8:00 PM Piazzetta Beato Padre Pino Puglisi
    • 13/12/2024, 8:00 PM Di Matteo Municipal Auditorium

Artists Salvo Piparo, Michele Piccione

400 Years of a Saint's History Curated by ASSOCIAZIONE KLEIS Atelier Montevergini - Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, from 20/08/2024 to 01/09/2024

Multidisciplinary show of theater, music, dance, and circus, with artistic workshops held in the sites: Atelier Montevergini - Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa. Theatrical show at Quattro Canti of the City.


  • August 20-31, 2024 > Workshops for non-actors dedicated to the neighborhoods at Atelier Montevergini - Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa
  • September 1, 2024, 9:00 PM > Theatrical show at Quattro Canti

Artists Salvo Piparo, Salvo Licata, Compagnia Circ’Opificio, Compagnia Tavola Tonda

A Line for Rosalia Curated by SHOW BIZ Piazza Pretoria, 02/09/2024 at 9:00 PM

Theatrical show written and directed by Sperandeo and Basile with live music performed by Akkura.

Artists Tony Sperandeo, Gaetano Basile, Akkura

The Saint and the City - Santa Rosalia at Piazza Pretoria Curated by ODD AGENCY Facade of Palazzo Bonocore, from 02/09/2024 to 08/09/2024 from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Videomapping show with projection on the facade of Palazzo Bonocore of the climb to the Monte, the opening of the cave, and the discovery of the relics. Voices, colors, music, and sounds of the Feast (a true masculiata of projections and music).

Artists Fabrizio Pedone, Luca Pintacuda, Antonino Serafino, Lidia Falletta, Rosaria Gallé, Claudia Maria Rago, Caterina Saverino

La Santuzza Curated by IDRISI Inner courtyard of Villa Niscemi 03-04/09/2024 at 7:00 PM

Theatrical show about the figures of Santa Rosalia, San Benedetto il Moro, and the Genius of Palermo.

Artists Ricky Tognazzi, Simona Izzo, Tony Sperandeo

Santa Rosalia in Jazz Curated by FONDAZIONE BRASS GROUP Monte Pellegrino, 05/09/2024 at 9:30 PM

Jazz music concert dedicated to Santa Rosalia in the square in front of the Sanctuary of Santa Rosalia.

Artists Mario Rosini and the Sicilian Jazz Orchestra

The Rebellious Rosalias Curated by L’ARTE DI CRESCERE Sperone District, from 05/09/2024 to 11/10/2024

Creation of a mural, scenic parade of children, and collateral events with graphic and painting workshops and the production of a mural.


  • 05/09/2024, 10:30 AM > Meeting with teachers
  • 11/09/2024, 3:00 PM > Assembly to involve the territory
  • 18/09/2024, 3:00 PM > Workshop to create dresses and costumes
  • 25/09/2024, 3:00 PM > Graphic painting workshop to create crowns
  • 11/09/2024, 5:00 PM > Parade and inauguration of the mural

Artists Maurizio Giulio Gebbia

Rosalia Women Among Women Curated by LA POSTILLA Nuovo Teatro Montevergini, 06-07/09/2024 at 7:00 PM

Theatrical show aimed at teenagers and adults, inspired by the story of Santa Rosalia as a woman who rebels against the patriarchal and male system of the time, intertwining it with part of the female universe narrated by the writer Dacia Maraini in her novels and stories. Four women's stories, four monologues interwoven with live music.

Artists Silvia Ajelli, Gianni Gebbia, Stefania Blandeburgo, Eletta del Castillo, Simona Sciarabba

Danisinni Art Fest Curated by ASSOCIAZIONE MUSEO SOCIALE DANISINNI Piazza Danisinni – Museo Sociale Danisinni, from 06/09/2024 to 15/09/2024

Neighborhood festival with performing and visual arts.


  • September 6-8, 2024, 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM > Workshop on painting tiles, fabrics, and murals dedicated to Santa Rosalia
  • September 9-15, 2024, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM > Exhibition of the manufactured items
  • September 14, 2024, 8:30 PM > “The Ship of Miracles”
  • September 15, 2024, 8:30 PM > Concert “La Banda di Palermo”

Artists Antonio Curcio, Trudi Bloom, Gigi Borruso, Stefania Blandeburgo, Nino Vetri

Sacred Harmonies – Rosalian and Teatino Jubilee Curated by DE MUSICA San Giuseppe dei Teatini, 07/09/2024 at 9:00 PM

Sacred music concert with 4 soloists and 50 choir members, to celebrate the figure of St. Rosalia and St. Gaetano and promote the knowledge of Sicilian, Italian, and international religious musical heritage.

Artists Coro Sancte Joseph De Musica, Orchestra De Musica

Do Your Part. From Rose to Lily Curated by ARTE SENZA FINE Conservatorio Alessandro Scarlatti, Cathedral, Church San Marco Evangelista allo Sperone From 07/09/2024 to 15/09/2024

Concert in three performances “The Scent of Lemons REPLANTED ConCorde”.


  • 07/09/2024, 5:00 PM > Conservatory Scarlatti
  • 12/09/2024, 9:00 PM > Palermo Cathedral
  • 12/09/2024, 8:40 PM > Church San Marco Evangelista allo Sperone
  • From 15/09/2024 to 15/12/2024 > Painting exhibition at the Church of San Marco Evangelista allo Sperone

Artists Aida Satta Flores, Musical Ensemble of the Conservatory A. Scarlatti

At Riso there is Rosa Curated by ASS. EUROPEAN ASSOCIAZIONE ECU Palazzo Riso, from 21/09/2024 to 19/10/2024

Music festival dedicated to Santa Rosalia.


  • 21/09/2024, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM > Rosalia Patron concert
  • 28/09/2024, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM > It is a Rose… Rosalia concert
  • 05/10/2024, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM > Classic Brio in Eternal Rosalia
  • 12/10/2024, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM > Ecu Classic Ensemble songs for Rosa
  • 19/10/2024, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM > Devote to the Saint. Concert

Dialektos – 400 Years of Rosalia Curated by NOVAMUSICA Church of Jesus and Church Maria SS. Delle Grazie, 29/09/2024 and 09/11/2024

Theater and music show according to tradition.


  • 29/09/2024, 6:30 PM > Church Maria Santissima delle Grazie
  • 09/11/2024, 6:30 PM > Church of Santa Maria di Gesù

Artists Salvo Piparo, Mario Incudine, Pamela Barone, Giuliana Di Liberto, Antonio Zarcone, Pietro Zarcone, Giuseppe Sinforini, Carla Restivo, Marco Grillo

PATAPùM – Santa Rosalia Edition Curated by TEATRO PATAFISICO Piccolo Teatro Patafisico, from 03/10/2024 to 06/10/2024

Event dedicated to families and children. Puppet show, workshops.


  • 03/10/2024 from 4:30 PM to 9:00 PM
  • 04/10/2024 from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
  • 05/10/2024 from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
  • 08/10/2024 from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM

Rosalia of Palermo Curated by ASSOCIAZIONE CONSERV. TRADIZIONI POPOLARI Museo delle Marionette Pasqualino Noto, from 04/10/2024 to 16/12/2024

Puppet show, the triumph and the tale, and an exhibition of marionettes.


  • July 11, 5:00 PM > The Life of St. Rosalia
  • July 12, 5:00 PM > Triumph to Santa Rosalia
  • July 13, 5:00 PM > The Tale of Santa Rosalia
  • October 25, 5:00 PM > Triumph to Santa Rosalia
  • November 22, 5:00 PM > The Tale of Santa Rosalia
  • Exhibition from October 4 to December 16 visitable during museum opening hours

Artists Enzo Mancuso, Emilia Valenza, Giovanna Fiume, Doriana Bruccoleri

Along the Streets of Rosalia and Benedetto Curated by FONDAZIONE LE VIE DEI TESORI Città dei ragazzi, Santa Maria di Gesù and Monte Grifone From 05/10/2024 to 03/11/2024

Cultural festival – theatrical itineraries, performances, and workshops. The project aims to propose a format for discovering places, itineraries, stories, and miracles around the figures of Santa Rosalia and San Benedetto il Moro around two iconic places: the Favorita Park at the foot of Monte Pellegrino and the sanctuary of Santa Maria di Gesù. The event includes 5 days for St. Rosalia and 5 days for St. Benedetto il Moro.


  • 05-12-19-26/10/2024 and 02/11/2024, 10:30 AM > Città dei ragazzi
  • 06-13-20-27/10/2024 and 03/11/2024, 10:30 AM > Event of St. Benedetto il Moro at Santa Maria di Gesù and Monte Grifone

Artists Stefania Blandeburgo (St. Rosalia) and Maurizio Bologna (St. Benedetto il Moro)

Pilgrims on this Path Curated by ASSOCIAZIONE FIGLI D'ARTE CUTICCHIO Church San Giorgio dei Genovesi, from 10/12/2024 to 30/12/2024

Exhibition and show of the Puppet Theater according to tradition about the historical events and legend of the Patron Saint of Palermo.


  • From 10/12/2024 to 13/12/2024, 6:30 PM > Show
  • From 08/12/2024 to 30/12/2024 > Exhibition visitable from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, closed December 25 and 26

Authors Giacomo and Girolamo Cuticchio


From Fri Jul 05 00:00:00 CEST 2024 to Mon Dec 30 00:00:00 CET 2024


Free admission, subject to availability where applicable.



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