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Tha Santa Rosalia Jubilee 2024

from 10/07/2023 to 04/09/2024

Palermo is celebrating the Santa Rosalia Jubilee, a spiritual and cultural event of great significance marking the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the remains of Santa Rosalia, patron saint of the city.
The figure of Santa Rosalia, a symbol of hope and protection, deeply permeates the life of the Palermo community.

The jubilee year, inaugurated by the Archbishop of Palermo Mons. Corrado Lorefice last 10 July 2023 with a solemn message, is a period of religious celebrations, pilgrimages and spiritual reflection.
Numerous celebrations take place for the occasion, including masses, processions and cultural activities which reflect the historical and spiritual legacy of Santa Rosalia.
"Rosalia, pilgrim of hope. The scent of a woman who crosses time to give hope to every age": this is the theme of all the planned initiatives.

First of all, in the context of the Santa Rosalia Jubilee, the 178 parishes of the diocese will join together in a special pilgrimage to the Cathedral on three separate days.
They will leave in procession at 6.00 pm, from Porta Nuova to the Cathedral, to venerate the relics of Santuzza and participate in the Eucharistic celebration presided over by the archbishop.
The relics of Santa Rosalia will subsequently be hosted in the parishes on established dates, following a programme that can be consulted on the diocesan communication channels.

The pilgrimage programme is as follows:

9 February 2024: vicariate I and II
10 April 2024: vicariate III and IV
29 May 2024: vicariate V and VI

However, this jubilee year is not just a religious event, but a renewed opportunity to discover the rich cultural heritage of Palermo, with its unique history, art and traditions.
In fact, the celebrations of the Rosalian Jubilee represent a moment of union and celebration for the community of Palermo, strengthening the link between faith, history and cultural identity.
The Sanctuary of Santa Rosalia, an emblematic site of this Jubilee, welcomes the faithful and visitors from all over the world, offering them an experience of faith and tradition.

For further details on the events and programme of the 2024 Santa Rosalia Jubilee, you can consult the official websites of the Aricidiocesi di Palermo, Cattedrale di Palermo and Santuario di Santa Rosalia.


Cattedrale di Palermo, Via Vittorio Emanuele, 490
Santuario di Santa Rosalia, Via Pietro Bonanno s.n.

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