With my wings. Finding yourself, changing the world
Parco di Villa Tasca, 16-17/07/2024
Project "Santa Adolescence" for the 400th Anniversary of the Festino di Santa Rosalia
Concept by: Pamela Villoresi
Playwriting and Direction by: Gigi Borruso
Featuring first-year students from the "School of Performing Arts" at Teatro Biondo in Palermo: Emilia Bruno, Simona Adele Buscemi, Giulia Candiloro, Giuseppe Castelli, Giuseppe Castello, Andrea Castronovo, Lavinia Coniglio, Chiara Coppola, Iviana Costanza, Martina Frazzetta, Antonella Galati, Francesca Gennuso, Gabriele Greco, Noemi Migliaccio, Simone Mignosi, Carlotta Pernicone, Giuseppina Perrotta, Riccardo Romeo, Riccardo Sangiorgi, Alessia Sguali, Maria Laura Turturici, Manuela Tuzzolino.
With the participation of: Pamela Villoresi
Scenery and Costumes by: Felicetta Giordano and Alessandra Guagliardito
Original Music by: Giuseppe Rapisarda
Production by: Teatro Biondo Palermo, in collaboration with FNS - MiC / Municipality of Palermo - Department of Culture / Metropolitan City of Palermo
The show is the result of a workshop conducted by Gigi Borruso with students from the Teatro Biondo School and interaction with the community of the Mezzomonreale - Villa Tasca district. It focuses on the difficult choices of adolescence, the courage to defy rules, and the determination to decide one's destiny, starting from the story of Rosalia Sinibaldi as handed down by tradition.
"Con le mie ali" aims to explore the shifting perspectives of youth, the trials through which boys and girls become adults, and the new paths they forge for humanity. The journey spans myths and examples from the past and contemporary world: from Antigone to Francis and Clare of Assisi, from Joan of Arc to Louis Braille, and the story of Iqbal Masih, who fought against child slavery in Pakistan.
These are stories of those who dared to rebel against a fate imposed by others, often at the cost of their lives, and whose awareness helped the world change its course.
The "Santa Adolescence" project reinforces Teatro Biondo's commitment to the city's outskirts, presenting a show that serves as both a test for the new students of the Teatro Biondo School, in collaboration with the Dams of the University of Palermo, and an original contribution to the celebrations for the 400th anniversary of the Festino di Santa Rosalia.
In the city's great identity festival, where the community envisions the future, "Con le mie ali" brings a reflection on Rosalia's courageous journey and the universal values of freedom and equality, starting with gender equality.
Organizer: Teatro Biondo
From Tue Jul 16 00:00:00 CEST 2024 to Wed Jul 17 00:00:00 CEST 2024- Ore 21:00
Admission free